@misc{Zioło_Krzysztof_Wykorzystanie, author={Zioło, Krzysztof}, howpublished={online}, language={pol}, abstract={MBTI assessment created objective description of the person, i.e. his personality, without evolution of the fact if he is better or worse than another one. It is the instrument enabling a manager to understand the behavior of each of the personality types in the self-realization, what is important for them, in what way they take decisions and how they behave in the relation to the environment. On the other hand these ideas help the given person to explain his strong or weak points. In connection with these ideas it creates the possibility of aware development of his professional career. In the paper the typology and the potential benefits for the library are presented.}, title={Wykorzystanie typologii MBTI w bibliotece}, title={The MBTI assessment in library}, type={artykuł}, keywords={biblioteki, Mayes-Briggs Type Indicator, osobowość człowieka, pracownicy biblioteki, psychologia, psychologia w pracy, typy osobowości, typologia MBTI, zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi, zespoły pracownicze}, }