@misc{Walczak_Janusz_Porównawcza, author={Walczak, Janusz and Lewandowski, Michał}, howpublished={online}, language={pol}, abstract={In this paper a method of comparative evaluation of phase distortions of nonstationery signals band filtering is described. IIR and FIR filters in their classical form and with delay compensation were evaluated. As a reference filter a zero-phase filter with amplitude characteristic identical with the tested filter were used. As a measure of distortions introduced by the filtering process, a quality factor based on the definition of Sobolev’s norm was proposed. As an example application of the method a distortion evaluation of one of the EEG band decomposition filters was presented.}, title={Porównawcza metoda oceny zniekształceń procesu filtracji cyfrowej sygnałów niestacjonarnych}, keywords={signal filtering, distortion evaluation}, }