@misc{Bier_Agnieszka_On, author={Bier, Agnieszka}, howpublished={online}, language={eng}, abstract={In the following paper we investigate commutator-type matrix equations and discuss the existence of their solutions. In particular, we derive the solutions of the Engel equations \$A=e_k(X,Y)\$, where \$e_k(x,y)\$ denotes the \$k\$-th Engel word, in the groups of unitriangular and triangular matrices over field \$K\$ of arbitrary characteristic.}, title={On Solvability of Engel Equations In the Group of Triangular Matrices Over a Field}, keywords={macierz trójkątnamacierz trójkątna, równość komutatorowa, podgrupa Engela, szerokość podgrup werbalnych generowanych przez słowa engelowe}, }