@misc{Załęcka-Myszkiewicz_Magdalena_MODERN, author={Załęcka-Myszkiewicz, Magdalena}, howpublished={online}, language={pol}, abstract={The theme of the study are houses – single family housing, viewed as a structure in which there is no accumulation of flats. Systems and the resulting types and models will be the main theme. There are described existing classification, which usually relate to differences in spatial and urban systems of single family housing. Classifi-cations and their descriptions are listed as they were defined by their authors in the literature related to the topic.The concepts and their characteristics involve different criteria for allocating housing and do not allow to create unambiguous typological classification, that’s why it is attempt to formulate a new classification of single fami-ly housing, based on the criterion of connection of single family homes in the de-velopment. In addition, it is proposed to develop and detail of the chosen classifica-tion of buildings in terms of the spatial solutions, the degree of compaction and per-foration and shaping form of building in order to, first of all, locate of currently exist-ing concepts in new classification.}, title={MODERN TYPES AND MODELS OF SINGLE FAMILY HOUSES}, keywords={house, single family housing, type, model}, }